Vishuddhi Chakra

The left Vishudhi represents all the qualities that determine our relationship with ourselves and with others. Moreover, it also establishes our self-esteem and self-respect. The absence of this self-respect, which manifests itself as guilt can be deeply embedded in our Vishuddhi; if we allow guilt to act; it can be very harmful to our growth. When we do not want to face reality we do tend to avoid problems, then we find excuses to justify our attitudes and a vicious circle is created and one continues in its errors. Thus, the solution is to stop this circle and decide to come in front of oneself

Feeling guilty about anything, carrying on one’s back all the misfortunes of the world are attitudes that can also affect the left Vishuddhi.

Location: Cervical plexus

In hand: Index finger

On the foot: Second toe

Physiological functions: controls neck, ear, nose, mouth, thyroid glands, and parathyroid, pharynx, larynx, mouth, teeth, esophagus, senses of taste and smell, easy expression, front of eyes and sensitivity of hands to perceive vibrations.

One of the qualities we must develop in our spiritual growth is the ability to remain detached from the problems we face daily. The balance of this chakra gives us the ability to witness the divine “play” in this world. As a result, we will not feel discouraged by things that might seem traumatic or great obstacles, instead we will see them as “external events” to our identification with the spirit. This does not mean that we should disengage from responsibility for our actions or that we should “give up” on life. Rather, we will have the means to maintain an adequate sense of perspective when faced with problematic or overwhelming situations. We become witnesses and are able to maintain distance from our thoughts, conditioning and emotions.

In this regard Shri Mataji says, “Let’s see how actors in a play and the whole world will become like one big piece of theater. After Self-realization, we develop this capacity within us and no matter what trials we face, we begin to see our role in the drama and possible solutions much more clearly.”

The principle of this chakra is diplomacy; the sweetness to express ourselves and the integration with the collectiveness. We become conscious that we are part and parcel of a whole, a microcosm that becomes a macrocosm expressed as a “feeling of being part of a whole”. Every society is made up of different parts. It is up to each one to find its place. It is up to each person to find his or her place.

Improving Meditation

Foot Soak

Simple and inexpensive, dipping your feet in salt water is the daily habit you didn’t know you needed. Imagine standing with your feet in the ocean, letting it ease your stress and calm your mind. Fortunately, foot soaking can also be done in the comfort of your home.

Candle Flame

Are you feeling lethargic, overly emotional, or depressed? The left channel works correctly when we are in a balanced emotional state. This channel can freeze when out of balance, leaving us sad or helpless. To bring light and heat back indoors, try a candle flame.

Hand on chakra

We can heal ourselves with the energy that flows through our hands, once our Kundalini awakens. Placing our hand on a Chakra is an easy and effective way to invigorate it and strengthen its qualities in us.